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Image by Hannah Busing
Image by Hannah Busing

Social, Collaborate, Welfare


To promote the best interests and welfare of the Taiwanese community and to enrich and to further an appreciation of the culture and ethnic heritages as such apply to the way of life upon the American scene, promoting fellowship, harmony and support between and among the citizenry of the community.


Image by Noorulabdeen Ahmad

Care, Humanity, Interests

To thus further maintain its purpose and thereby attain its objective, TAA shall at all times predicate its policies upon established principles that enrich human personality and group association through educational, literary, culture, and other related activities and through policies that conduct forums, panels, lectures or other similar programs for the entire community in general and for all segments of Taiwanese community in particular and through the policies that provide publishing activities.

為了進一步維持其宗旨,以達成其目標,TAA 將始終以確立的原則為基礎,透過教育、文學、文化等相關活動,豐富人格和群體聯繫。同時,透過舉辦論壇、座談會、講座等類似活動,針對整個社區以及特定的台灣社區各個部分制定政策,並透過提供出版活動的政策達成這些目標

Boba Tea Selection


To firmly establish TAA as an American institution adhered to the promotion of Taiwanese identity and appreciation of the Taiwanese heritage, TAA shall as its further purpose and objective be perpetually committed to the acceptance of the individual’s communal obligation, the advocacy of responsible citizenship and the protection, maintenance and retention of the American democratic way of life, its creed and its philosophy; and be committed to the defense of human and civil rights secured by law; and to the elimination of prejudice and discrimination.

堅定確立 TAA 作為一個堅守促進台灣身份認同和對台灣文化傳承的美國機構,TAA 將作為其進一步的宗旨和目標,永遠致力於個人社會責任的接受,倡導負責任的公民行為,以及保護、維護和保持美國民主生活方式、其信條和哲學;同時致力於法律保障的人權和公民權的防衛,以及消除偏見和歧視。

全美台灣​同鄉會網站       更新日期: 03/11/2025

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